Ellenor A...Ellenor Act4you • • 200 euro per half day • 16 u
Young actor 20 - 30 years Young actor 20 - 30 years
We are looking for a young (semi-pro) actor between 20 and 30 years old. Sporty appearance. It is important that you do not have a beard and/or mou...
gelderland, NL
cast payed payed payed
Bente HemmesBente Hemmes • • 200 euro/dag • 1 d
Last minute job: asian ladies and gentlemen wanted // 25-35 Last minute job: asian ladies and gentlemen wanted // 25-35
For a local beer brand we are looking for Asian models (M/F). This photoshoot is used for content creation for social media. In terms of age we are...
nederland, NL
cast lowbudget lowbudget lowbudget
Kaaps Film Kaaps Film • • 300 euro • 1 d
Looking for father and son for rotterdam municipality film Looking for father and son for rotterdam municipality film
We are looking for a father and son (preferably of color) who would like to play a role in this film. The boy is playing football on a field and ...
rotterdam, NL
Creative ...Creative Milkshake • • payed • 1 d
Us english native speakers for social media ads needed! Us english native speakers for social media ads needed!
- Male and Female actors - 21-50+ y/o - Charismatic, authentic, comfortable on camera - Must be based in the Netherlands
amsterdam, NL
Dirk BergerDirk Berger • • expenses • 8 u
Child actor (boy, 8-14) wanted for short film Child actor (boy, 8-14) wanted for short film
In the film, the boy plays someone who is in a coma in a hospital bed and then wakes up and is hugged by his parents. The role has no lines but is ...
figuratie expenses expenses expenses
Renske Go...Renske Goossens • • unpayed • 15 u
Urgently looking for an actor Urgently looking for an actor
We are looking for an actor aged 40-55 who would like to play the role of Viktor, the main character. Viktor is a formal middle-aged family man w...
hilversum, NL
cast unpayed unpayed unpayed
Justin Hu...Justin Huveneers • • expenses • 1 d
Casting call mr. president Casting call mr. president
I am looking for actors (M/F) for various characters: Main character: Jimmy de Lange (40+) – Charismatic but cynical leader in the making, will...
maastricht, NL
cast expenses expenses expenses
Mediawan ...Mediawan Skyhigh • • unpayed • 1 d
Boys wanted: extra in 'the bullying glasses' Boys wanted: extra in 'the bullying glasses'
Boys who want to be extras for a day at the shoot of 'De Pestbril'. No experience required. 12 to 15 years.
figuratie unpayed unpayed unpayed
Kwame Fr...Kwame Francis • 3 d • expenses • 3 d
Volunteers wanted for exclusief fashion show! Volunteers wanted for exclusief fashion show!
We are searching for enthusiastic volunteers who are eager to contribute to this one-of-a-kind event. Volunteers will assist in various tasks to he...
werk expenses expenses expenses
Bennie Ku...Bennie Kuiper • 1 w • expenses • 1 w
Movies and other stuff. Movies and other stuff.
Hoi met Bennie Kuiper uit Almere Poort Ik heb zelf in 2015 in Spanga's gespeeld en kort Theater gedaan maar wil graag een vaste rolletje met wat t...
almere, NL
aangeboden expenses expenses expenses
Conchita ...Conchita Marengo • • • 2 w
Extras Extras
Ir/Madam, If you still need Surinamese people for the production If so, I can supply some.
aankondiging aankondiging aankondiging
De Beste ...De Beste Stoomreiniger • • • 2 w
Youtube videopresentator Youtube videopresentator
I'm looking for a YouTube video presenter for steam cleaner review videos.
heerlen, NL
te huur gevraagd te huur gevraagd te huur gevraagd